
10 accidentally offensive shirts

The world of fashion is a complicated one – it’s not just about choosing the right brand or style, you should consider if the slogan you proudly wear is accidentally sending out the wrong message.

1. When shirt-cropping makes you an accidental terrorist supporter.

2. Or recent events make your fashion brand really inappropriate.

3. A wrestling t-shirt that could be misinterpreted.

4. A shirt for ‘jump rope’ that could definitely be taken the wrong way.

5. A unfortunate ‘Canada’ shirt to wear for your Tinder profile.

6. Basically, don’t be a proud Canadian.

7. When you don’t speak the language your t-shirt is in.

8. When you wear a Minecraft shirt and it’s gets cropped.

9. Or you wear a ‘Eat, Sleep and be Merry’ shirt for your passport picture.

10. Or a pole (and fabric) gets in the way.