
This Week On Twitter #2

A weekly round-up of the best things that happened in our Twitter feed…

A miracle at the Zoo

On that Brits moment

People created a buzz

Wishes were made

Important questions were asked

This utter travesty happened…

Conclusions were drawn

People tried cross stitch..

People tried their hand at hunting

People were honest with themselves

It’s always great when Celebs unexpectedly join in the conversation…

Lies were told

Reviews were created

There was sympathy for clowns…

But no sympathy for radicals..

Meanwhile in the courtroom

On celebrity life

Privacy was discussed…

Childhood icons fell on hard times..

Vinyl made a come back

The joke finally comes to an end

Anger issues

This new parody account is worth a follow

There were guessing games

And a  secret origami project


People appreciate the music of Sam Smith

How to deal with break ups

Definitions can be hard
