
Jeremy Clarkson Admits Entire Career Was ‘Social Experiment’

“I don’t even like cars,” said the Top Gear presenter, who has admitted his entire career was just one long social experiment to see just how popular a bigot could be.


“All my ‘comments’ about race, bumming, suicide and the Welsh language were just part of a very long social experiment to highlight issues with racism and society’s ignorance of the LGBT community, mental illness and diversity in the UK,” said Clarkson, who claims to have got the idea after seeing a woman get wolf-whistled by a white van driver in 1988.

“That shocking incident just highlighted the kind of gross misogyny and disrespect women face on a daily basis,” said the broadcaster.

“I knew then I had to do something to highlight these issues – by conducting a social experiment utilising numerous TV appearances and newspaper columns to parade this ‘Clarkson’ character in front of the public to see how they would react.”

“It may have taken over 26 years to carry out, but I think we can see from the public’s response exactly who the real monster here is.”