
Facebook User Learns How To Keep Thoughts To Themselves

Tech News: After using Facebook for ten years, one user has reportedly learnt how to keep their thoughts to themselves, instead of sharing them on the social network.


The user, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, has had the account since October 2004 and has only now just realised that they don’t have to share every single waking thought they’ve ever had. It’s also reported that they have figured out how to ‘like’ things in their life without clicking a button.

“It’s a deeply worrying trend,” said internet expert Rupert Oboe. “If people figure out that they don’t have to leave every passing, insubstantial thought they have on Facebook, this could have grave consequences for other sites.”

“Comments sections on websites could be completely barren within eighteen months, with literally no-one calling other people nazis or sluts. Rape threats might even stop altogether. Is this really the world we want our children to inherit?”