
Police Call For ‘Toff Tank’ To Get Obnoxious Rich People Off The Streets

Law & Order News: Police chiefs have recommended that rich people who become publicly intoxicated with their wealth should be forced to spend the night in a cell until they become modest.

Under the plans, loud, braying rich people who publicly brag about how much money they have will be forced to spend the night in privately run cells until they realise just how much of an arsehole they sound like to everyone else.

“We need to urgently get these troublemakers off the streets,” said a spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers.

“For too long the hard working people of the United Kingdom have had to deal with rich people publicly banging on about how they’ve only had four holidays this year, or just how expensive it is to run an Aston Martin these days.”

“We suggest that anyone heard publicly bragging about weekend shopping trips to Dubai, or the hassles of having two holiday homes in the Mediterranean should be restrained by police officers, then taken to a privately run cell where they can sober up to just how fucking lucky they are.”