
Batman fans refuse to watch The Dark Knight Rises in case of spoilers

Movie News: Fans of Christopher Nolan’s Batman films are refusing to see The Dark Night Rises in case it contains any spoilers and ruins the trilogy.

“I loved the first two films,” wrote one fan on his blog. “But there’s no way I’m going to see the third film because it’s probably packed with spoilers.”

“Sometimes it’s the hardest thing in the world to be a true Batman fan. As well as not seeing The Dark Knight Rises, I’ve also been avoiding the internet, tv and newspapers. I just sit here in a darkened room, hoping my own brain doesn’t give away spoilers about the film.”

Despite fans enthusiastically over-analysing every frame of each teaser trailer, featurette video and cast member interview, many are now vowing never to see the final film.

Other fans are taking more extreme actions to avoid spoilers – an online petition has been launched demanding the entire cast and crew have their vocal chords removed in case they let slip a minor plot point.

Story: Simon Swatman