
Cameron: ‘No.10 is haunted’

Ghost News: Prime Minister David Cameron’s claims that No. 10 Downing Street is haunted by the spirit of a sad, middle aged man, were substantiated today by the release of some disturbing night-vision footage.

Cameron: 'I have the evidence that No.10 is haunted'
The ghost, who Cameron and family have nicknamed ‘Clegg’, was captured on night-vision cameras after Cameron, 45, began to notice small things amiss in his house.

Things would go missing or get moved around,” said Cameron. “I’d hear odd noises in the middle of the night, but when I got up to check them out, the door would be locked and the windows were tightly shut. Sometimes I’d hear this ghastly sobbing sound.”

After nearly 18 months of strange incidents, Cameron set up a series of night-vision spy cameras around the house. What he saw when he replayed the footage shocked him.

The spectre of a middle aged man halfheartedly gives a speech about Europe in the No. 10 kitchen, throws some brie from the fridge across the room, then walks through a wall.

Apparently when your career dies a horrible death you are destined to spend eternity roaming the place in which you felt you belong,” said Cameron. “It’s chilling to think this apparition is in my home – silently watching me sleep, shit, shower and fuck.”

Story+ Image: Simon Swatman

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